The Lunchtime Takeaway St Kevin's College S&C department

Listen in each week as we discuss a new topic that relates to junior athletic development, physical preparation, strength training, injury prevention, and nutrition.

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Episode 6 - Speed Is King

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

In episode 6 we do a quick host change with Justin Blee taking the reins from Steve Cain 
Steve discusses his take on how to train actual speed qualities and how it can be integrated into team sport training
We encounter some technical issues but the show must go on 

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

In today's episode we have a roundtable discussion with the current assistant dean of sport at St Kevin's College Mr Shaun Hargreaves about his experiences as a student-athlete and gives advice on how students can get the most out of both academics and sport whilst still maintaining a social life.  

Monday Sep 28, 2020

On today's podcast Justin Blee graces us with his presence for round two.  We talked about how each sport differs, how we prepare athletes for those differences and the foundations of athletic development.  The take-aways from today's episode are the S.P.O.R.T principle, 80:20 programming and again Justin brings down the house with a sign-off for the ages. Let us know your thoughts on the podcast by emailing us at

Monday Sep 28, 2020

In today's podcast we talk with Steve Fabris
Steve is the head coach of Cross country and middle distance at St Kevin's College. 
We discuss how he programs for running athletes, creating a team culture, and how team sport athletes can benefit from learning the finer details around running and how it can transfer to your sport.
Key takeaways from today include building an aerobic base, training for speed, and creating educated athletes.  

Episode 2 - Recovery

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020

In today's episode, we talk with Justin Blee around his take on recovery and what he's seen working within the elite academies for the Melbourne Rebels and Victorian Rugby League.
We talk about food, we talk about the 1%ers and of course, we scratch the surface around sleep.
Justin talks about his 5 C's to a good nights sleep
Steve & I took a lot of good tips away from this episode and we hope you do too.   

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Today's episode features Steven Cain (Athletics and S&C coach)
In this episode, we discuss fuelling your body for performance. 
What to eat and when to eat it, we discuss what our failures have taught us over the years in our own athletic endeavours.
Some key takeaways to think about in terms of portion size and the best fuel source for you.

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